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DrMags is the nick name of:

Dr Magdy Serour

BOC (Cairo Uni), Dip in Computing (CDI, Sydney),
G. Dip in Computing (ICL, Lon),
Master of Computing (UWS, Sydney),
PhD (UTS, Sydney)

Director, Principal Consultant

Dr Magdy Serour is one of the Australia’s leading experts in software engineering. As an internationally recognized authority he has researched and contributed to a number of books, journals and publications. He also lectures part time at the University of Technology (UTS) in Sydney.

During the last twelve years (1996-2007), Magdy was involved primarily in academic research and teaching. He was a Research Fellow at the Centre for Object Technology Applications and Research (COTAR) and a lecturer at the University of Western Sydney (UWS) and the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS). During his academic term, Magdy co-supervised a number of master and PhD students working in the areas of Agents Technology and Agile Methodologies. Through his position as a senior researcher, Magdy has technically led, managed and successfully completed a number of industrial and governmental research projects funded by the Australian Research Council (ARC) and some industrial partners.

Magdy is also a regular reviewer and an advisory board member of a number of international conferences in IT and IS. Magdy has published more than 30 international publications in journals, conference proceedings and book chapters covering a wide range of IT and business alignment and technology adoption and diffusion.

Some of Australia well know organisations including Raine and Horne, NRMA, Sydney Flemington Markets and Queensland Government have used Magdy’s services to help design and implement solutions. His real passion lies in working with Not-for-profit organisations and has developed membership and fundraising systems for house hold names such as Guides Dogs Association, Asthma Foundation (SA), Free Masons and Devine World Missionaries.

With more than 3 decades of experience in information technology, project management and business consulting, our clients can rely on Magdy’s commitment to innovation and quality.